Statement of Unity Our entire organization is strongly committed to serving a higher order and…

2021 | March
Statement of Unity
We are committed to serving organizations that elevate the human condition and strengthen our communities. As strong advocates for diversity and inclusion, we believe all people have the right to be treated with dignity and respect.
We are deeply saddened and dismayed by the significant increase in hate crimes that Asian American and Pacific Islander communities have experienced in the United States since the beginning of the pandemic. These violent assaults add to the fear and trauma Asian Americans are facing amid a global health crisis.
This heartbreaking violence is unacceptable. We condemn all expressions and forms of hate, racism, bigotry, misogyny and violence. We stand in solidarity with the Asian and Pacific Islander communities. To show our support, we are making donations to programs that fight this injustice, including Asian Americans Advancing Justice, Stop AAPI Hate, Hmong American Friendship Association, Inc. and Hmong American Center, Inc.